Let people get lost in your world.

If you’re an artist, and you’re shoveling everything onto social media, you’re missing the fuck out.

Every smart phone ships with a web browser.

Not everyone has a Facebook account anymore in 2025.

No one in the U.S. can install TikTok right now.

People are ditching Instagram and Twitter because of reasons.

You might not realize this, but some people fucking love music.

Like, that get band names and lyrics tattooed on their bodies. They wear nothing but band shirts. They dig through bins at record shops. They go to shows on Tuesday night.

The people who just load up automated playlists? Those aren’t your people.

Give people who discover you the ability to fall in fucking love with what you do.

If people find your music on YouTube, or Spotify, or Bandcamp, they can click on a URL and be on your website.

But if you website is just everything you already have on YouTube, and Spotify (a bunch of embeds), and a link to Bandsintown, well, what’s the point?

Wow, news and offers, huh? Sounds thrilling.

People still buy vinyl and CDs and cassettes. Yeah, a lot of people stream music these days, too, but fuck them.

Let people fall in love with you.

Give me a fucking bio. Where are you even from? What other bands were you in?

Stop posting every god damn bit of promo, behind the scenes, and assorted other photos on social media platforms and put that shit on your website.

Let people fall into your world and get lost in how damn cool you are.

Uploading all your cool vibes and good taste to fucking Facebook? In 2025? For 96% of your “followers” to never see?

In this economy?


Google changed it’s motto from “Don’t be evil” to “Do the right thing” in 2015. And now a decade later the “right thing” has taken quite a turn.

“Google on Tuesday updated its ethical guidelines around artificial intelligence, removing commitments not to apply the technology to weapons or surveillance.”

I’m so glad to be moving away from all Google Products this year.

(From the Washington Post, via Hacker News)

“That’s the purpose of my link blog: it’s an ongoing log of things I’ve found—effectively a combination of public bookmarks and my own thoughts and commentary on why those things are interesting.”

Simon Willison


Today I got two packages in the mail.

One was from someone I spoke with recently, and they said they’d send me something. It came in a sturdy, colorful envelope, it had their name on it, and the shipping label said “delicious ideas inside.”

The other was an item I ordered from someone I’ve followed on Instagram years ago. I paid $40 for this item. It showed up in a plain box, with a USPS shipping label, with no mention of the senders name or brand. It was sent from MERCH COMPANY, basically.

I realize this person has probably outsourced their order fulfillment to a third party. I get that.

But when you pay for-real money for something, the first thought upon picking up the package shouldn’t be “who is this from?”

When I got the package from the person I spoke with recently, there was no confusion, only delight.

Don’t confuse your customers.

If you ever think self promotion is cheesy just listen to truck commercials. They’re the absolute worst.

So go on and talk about your cool prints and photo books and limited edition hand numbered cassettes, cuz those are a LOT cooler.


From One Thing’s ‘The new rules of media‘ from December:

“Rely on nothing you can’t take with you. For now, Substack email lists and Stripe charges are still portable. If they weren’t, I would move to Ghost, because Substack’s incentive is to get you as locked in as possible. (Patreon still keeps your Stripe info, therefore fuck Patreon.) The same goes for audiences: Direct traffic, through homepages or email inboxes, is the most reliable because no one can take it from you, but it’s the hardest to cultivate.”

Discoverability is a myth propped up on social media’s legion of bots and active users. Yes, some people won, but that had to happen, so other people could see the lottery winners and believe they could win, too.

Saw Groundhog Day tonight in our local theater, the night before Groundhog Day. I live about four hours east of Punxsutawney, PA, but I’ve thought about getting up at like 4am and making the drive (but actually there’s no way I’ll be doing that).