How you treat your customer when they walk into your business.
Hello, customer.
Hello, store owner.
Nice day today, huh?
What can I get you?

When you see a customer on the street.
Oh, hello customer!
Hey! Hi there! Day off?
Yea, running errands!
Hah, it never ends, huh?
No, but that’s okay.
I’ll see you around!
Take care.

And now, how you interact with your customer on social media.
10% off today!
We close at 5pm.
Tomorrow we’ll have a special.
Don’t forget, we have gift certificates!

When it could be this:
Hey customer, great photo! That’s a great hiking spot.
Oh, thanks! Yea we love it there.
Have you done the Lake Loop with the kids?
No, we haven’t. Might be a bit much for them.
I hear you. We took our three year old on it one time, but he did okay.
Oh, really? Maybe we’ll try it sometime.
Take some photos if you do!
Hah! Will do.

Which one do you think is going to have a lasting impact?

Does it scale? Nope.
Can you schedule a conversation like this? Nope.
Can you automate it? No.

But I bet your coffee shop doesn’t have a self-checkout line, either.
Your tattoo shop doesn’t have an auto-ink booth, right?
As a photographer, you don’t send your Robo-Photo-Bot to a wedding, right?

No, because every one to one interaction is priceless. It’s valuable. It can’t be outsourced, and you can’t just get some unpaid college intern to do it.