I’m working out of a nearby co-working spot again, which is close enough for me to walk home for lunch. This tiny side street always amazes me, with the shade, the trees, the church; it’s a great space, though this photo doesn’t really capture that.

Nights are quiet in a college town when school is out, so I’ve taken to doing some night riding with my fixed gear. Very slow and deliberate, listening for crickets and speeding trucks.
I keep thinking to upload photos like this to Instagram. They’d get a few likes and comments, remind people I’m alive. But I am burnt to a crisp on social media.
I liken it to the food court at the mall. As teens, that was the place to be. It’d be weird if all our parents were there, too. That’s social media. Oh, and the mall cops won’t let you see some of your friends, too. That’s the algorithms.
My website is the tiny store front on a side street with no foot traffic. If you want to see what I’ve got in my shop, you’ll have to open a web browser, as I’m nearly done placing ads at the food court for you to come check out my stuff.
Does this mean less traffic? Maybe people will forget about me? Sure.
But I email friends, and text with pals, and get on the phone and Facetime, too. I’m not lacking, and for that I’m grateful.
Investing my time and energy at the food court is over.