These ‘Desert Crust Series’ Videos are Amazing

Sometimes you just need to watch some trippy 10 minute long videos. This collection from Andrew Benson is a treasure.

I sat with them for many months, thinking I should find some way to share them, but I was torn by not really wanting to revisit and “finish” anything and not knowing when I’d ever have an opportunity to show these in an ideal way.

See all of them here (via @boop).

Goodnight, Metal Friend – MIX 10

First Goodnight, Metal Friend mix of 2021, and stoked that it’s mix #10. I started doing these after COVID-19 hit in 2020, just to learn more about crafting mixes, with everything from sourcing the tunes, performing them in real time using DJ software, and making all the promo assets for social media and the web.

This Goodnight, Metal Friend mix features tracks from Hypnagogue, 37735i6, Center Void, Moksa, and System Exile, clocking just over 29 minutes of menacing, spooky vibes.

Daily Loop #1

This video was posted on 1/1/2021 on Twitter and Instagram, and even though I preach the “put your stuff on our own website” message, I forgot to put them on my own site. Better late then never.

Video is from Pexel, and the beat and boops and all that are from me. I’m a third generation musician, and have been playing music on and off (mostly off) for about 30 years now. These loops are the hook to get me opening up Abelton Live and stretch my musical muscles again.

I Ran 1,100 Miles in 2020

How do you walk to Cleveland? One step at a time.

This 1,100 miles happened one day at a time, one mile at a time. Most runs were short, probably around 3-ish miles. My yearly pace was something like 10:45/mile. For me it’s just been about staying healthy, to run within my means, and not push myself too hard, too often.

My longest run was 18 miles back in February, and I hit four years running in July. Bought a GoPro, and switched back to a Garmin from an Apple Watch.

At one point I saw a fox run across the road. At mile eight a random dog started running with me, and stayed with me for a bit until his owners drove up with their mini van and he jumped in and bailed on me.”

A year ago today I was in Philadelphia and ran myself into the ground. Ran four races, three virtual (the Golden Coast 5K, the Philly 10K, and the Truthsgiving 4 Miler), one in-person (new 10 mile PR).

The Golden Coast 5K and the Truthsgiving 4 Miler raised money for good causes, the Philly 10K got me a nice poster, and the 10 miler got me out of the house.

Bought a bike in 2020, which helped me keep up some fitness without being on my feet, but as the weather got cold I stopped riding as much. Biking in the cold is harder than running in the cold, so my bike has just been sort of sitting around.

I did a 100 mile week total to help raise money for the Running 4 Rivs fundraiser. That was a combo of biking and running, which I continued for a few weeks after just for the heck of it.

Back in April I tried running four miles (the fourth month of the year) every day, but managed only 21 days before some foot pain forced me to stop. Started a one-mile-a-day run stream on November 23rd, and as of December 31st hit 39 days in a row.

So yeah, I guess that’s how I hit 1,110 miles. Add some variety, some challenges, some spontaneous adventures, and take it slow. Staying healthy means you get to keep running, so I’m planning on more slow-time adventures in the near year.

Put Your Health On Your Calendar

Would you work for someone who was constantly demanding email replies while you’re at the dentist? The doctors? In a meeting with another client?


Then don’t work for someone who doesn’t extend the same grace to your lunch hour (or two). Or your afternoon run. Or your three-times a week personal trainer session.

Don’t want your workers sick? Rather they don’t use sick days? Then let them do the things they need to ensure their own health and wellness.

Sure, I speak of this from the self-employed, no-on-pays-me-a-full-time-salary rate anyways, but still, set up boundaries.

Work outs can be meetings. Self-care can be therapy. Block that time out for yourself, because without your best self nobody wins.

Photo by ready made from Pexels