Four Years of Running

Four years ago today I ran a mile in 13 minutes and had problems walking down stairs for a week. That run tore up my thighs, and it was hot, and horrible, but somehow I stuck with it.

Back in 2016 I didn’t have much control of things in life, notably employment. Money. And then we all know how lack of moneys leads into other problems, like loss of autonomy, self worth, self esteem. Yeah, that was a dark time.

So every other day I set off, using a Couch to 5K app on my iPhone. One minute, then two, then four, then eight. Rest, repeat, do it again two days later. Before long I could run for 20 minutes, then 30, then 40. Since then I’ve ran 10 mile races, a half marathon. My longest run so far has been 18 miles.

The biggest take away – it still hurts. Not like, PAIN, but watching Star Wars is a heck of a lot easier. There’s definitely easier hobbies, I guess. But I leaned into this to lose weight, accomplish something, and become a runner. I wanted to go places and do things with just a pair of running shoes.

Since then, I’ve ran 3,111 miles. Onward to many more.

Learning to Laugh

Running in the heat is tough. So is biking. The sun just saps my power. Throw in some humidity, and them my heart rate is through the roof.

I used to get mad at this. I’d stop running, reluctantly, and utter some stupid boyish “dammit” or “fuck” which never helped.

Now I just laugh. I’m a privileged white male who can run anywhere, even here in farm country, and I never have to worry about being shot or threatened.

It’s a fucking joke that the worst part of my day is being unable to maintain a faster pace running, or a more powerful ascent up a hill on my bike. I’m covered in sweat, my eyes are stinging, and my chest is heaving… so?

I laugh at this shit now.

It used to be “why aren’t I more fit?” Or wondering if I really “have it,” like I’m some 20 something semi-pro runner. But I’m a dude who works on a computer all day and tries to run 25 miles a week, and spend two hours on the bike.

This is something I stress to my friends that are in their late 30s and 40s who are just starting to run – it’s gonna be years until you’re finishing in the top 50 at your local 5K, or whatever. Just enjoy running with people who are 20 years older than you. Have a laugh, make jokes, encourage others around you. It’s a lot of fun, I promise.

Just enjoy it.

Build That Email List

My buddy Bill Meis on Twitter:

Friendly PSA for young bands and artists.

Start your email list now and don’t stop.

No, seriously. The fact that even big bands don’t have landing pages feeding a general info mailing list is BONKERS.

Facebook and Twitter aren’t in the business of sending you traffic and clicks for free. And you can’t export those connections (hello, MySpace) when they go belly up.

Build. That. Email. List.

And Instagram is OWNED by Facebook. More algorithms. More noise. They’re 1000% gonna fuck it all up. But an email from a fan, someone who bought your album on Bandcamp? That is gold.

Your email doesn’t have to be ALL BUSINESS either. Remember – some people have left Facebook and Twttr. You can use the stuff you write on social media, repackage it, and send it to your list!

Hell, this post is just from a handful of Tweets, and can be found three years from now from a Google search, or linked to from another website.

Have you stuff somewhere, and not just sitting on social media sites.