The sun was going down, so I grabbed my cameras (my god, I can’t believe I’m writing that) and headed outside. It was in the low 40s but for whatever reason, I really enjoy going out and seeing what I can see. The above was taken with the NOMO CAM INS W.

Shot with NOMO CAM 135 GR.

Not shown here is the few shots I took with my Canon P Rangefinder. I finished up my first roll of film with that. Can’t wait to get that developed and see how bad I did!

I also took a few shots with my point and shoot film camera. That roll is almost done, too.

Just last month I sent off one roll of film to be developed, and now this month I’ll be sending off THREE ROLLS. Who the heck am I?


This video is lovely. It was an absolute warmth and joy, and exactly what I needed this morning.

What I love about this video is near the end, Sam Abell meets the grandkids of some of the people I photographed in Japan 40+ years ago.

“By far the most meaningful are the human connections that I’ve been able to make as a photographer.”

Gorgeous video, and one I’m sure I’ll watch again someday soon.

We are the creative professionals who base our entire careers on making things look interesting.

Why would we stop with our branding, our collateral material, and – for the love of God – our website?

We are in the world of visual excellence. We should make visual excellence the priority feature of our brand.

Don GiannattiĀ 


“This is not a hobby, this is my life,” Kazu Nakajima

The Walkie Talkie videos with Paulie B are amazing. As my curiosity about photography has ramped up, I’m devouring stuff like this, just taking it all in.

And I’ve thought this – what if I’m a photographer in my 50s?

I mean, I’m an absolute novice with any and all of it.

Internet marketing stuff? Email newsletters? Editorial planning and all that? Sure. I got 20+ years of doing that.

But what does a year being serious about photography look like? A dedicated practice? A system?


Make cool stuff, show it to your friends. Those words from Rick Rubin are stuck in my head for months and months now.

Key point in this clip from MacAndre Pierre is all about bouncing your ideas off of other people. Present an idea, refine it, and keep making it better.

Take more photos (or writing, or music), share your work with people who appreciate it, get some sleep, and do it again the next day.


I am joyously filling up this space, this site, this blog.

I’m writing freely here, as nothing gets sent to anyone (I’m pretty sure). Apologies to those who may read via RSS.

Moving photos from Flickr has been fun, too. Revisiting so many memories from my time living in New York City.

And to think I have these images and brief bits of text dating back to 2004. Freaking 20 years of writing, and photos, and adventures.

This site covers nearly half my life. That doesn’t even make sense.