Daily Loop #62

Sometimes I think, wow… I could do so much more with these clips. Add some lyrics, another hook, make another part. But then I remember these are my daily journal entries. My morning meditation. Crack open my laptop, plug in my synth, and see what happens.

Between Super Bowl half-time performer and someone taking their first music lesson as a kid, there’s a lot of space in between, and the Super Bowl half-time show isn’t always the goal.


“There’s a massive burnout spike just around the corner as companies start to ask employees who’ve been barely holding it together through a year of a pandemic to start transitioning back to offices as if nothing has happened. Check in on your people and prepare accordingly,” @stewartsc


Video by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Daily Loop #61

What’s this NFT thing all about? Do you need to get on Tik Tok? Should you pay to promote your Tweets?

Write a good song. Take a good photograph. Paint a nice picture.

Make something good and nice that warms your heart, and keep doing that. Make it a habit, like the 2 hours a day you stare at Instagram.

It’s temping to pick up the phone to see what’s going on. Check for likes. See who maybe commented on one of your posts.

And yes, you need breaks. Of course.

But you need to write a good song. At this point in your artistic career, you have a better shot at writing that great play, that great song, that great image than you do “being really good at socials.”

Because someday socials will disappear. Make damn sure you’ve been using this time to make better art.


Via @synth_history on Instagram

Video by Vanessa Loring from Pexels

Daily Loop #60

Keep making, keep taking. Borrow, beg, and steal. Refine, reduce, I don’t know. Just make stuff. Throw up a warning flare to other weirdos that it’s okay to throw caution to the wind and let it fly. Break all the eggs, break all your legs, let it rip.

Moments of music making, and video making, keep my mind clear. Not full time, of course, but I look forward to the moments to let loose and make some weird shit.


“Fair to say that if someone sends me a link that starts with facebook dot com, I won’t be seeing it (and I’ll be surviving quite nicely),” @georgehahn

Via @gracile_jp
Via @showupanywayy

Video by Dima Krivoy from Pexels

Daily Loop #59

My cat is sitting in my lap, my grocery delivery was missing coffee creamer, and it’s dark an rainy out. Quiet Sundays are okay.


“This is going to sound hella snarky, but it’s true: Most successful people are too busy (the cause/effect of their success) to wander around an audio app teaching business success lessons,” @amahnke

“There’s no reason you need to react to everything. But it’s human nature. This is the social contract of the social media era. If you dare to shout your opinion or publish your work to the masses, the masses can choose to shout back,” from American Idle.

“who knew living an entire year during a global pandemic would completely destroy your mental health,” @kitvolta

Daily Loop #58

For 58 days this has been an excercise in opening up a program to nothing but a blank template. This how I usually work best, because I know the magic isn’t in the building, or the writing, or the creating, it’s in the editing. Now, after making 100+ of these over the past few years (going back to 2008 or so) – these snippets, these loops – I know the real work comes after the idea is laid down. After something is written, painted, photographed – then the work begins.

Because at every step each note feels off, every track could have a little more reverb, it’s all rubbish compared to the 13 music streaming apps filled with music already created by people far more talented than me.

If that’s the case, why get up? Why get out of bed? Why go to work? It’s all a capitalistic march, make money, pay bills, and after so many decades die peacefully with friends at your side.

Fuck it. This in-between time is short, so this sort of nonsense will keep happening.

Video by Pressmaster from Pexels

Daily Loop #57

An hour. Make my coffee, set myself a goal of being “at work” by 9am, and see what happens. In this case, a random kick, a bass line off the top of my head, some weird sounds, than a sample from a butter commercial found on YouTube. Then maybe a few silly clips of me for the video for good measure? Why not?

Just make shit.


“POD Save America should really be a reality show following a Christian metal band from San Diego spreading the words of Jesus Christ through down tuned guitars and rapped vocals,” @hateupton

Via @nicolecorotis

Daily Loop #56

Wake up at 7am, do some work, eat some toast, then crack open your heart into whatever art form you want. I’m on a time crunch today – got a big important thing to do for 11am, but hey… it’s 8am, let’s see what we can make today, and get it posted and finished in around an hour.


“An editor said to me the other day, “we are not working remotely. we are living at work,” @erinblogan

Via @vaporwavezone from Dr. Norah Lorway

Video by Kirans Memories from Pexels

Daily Loop #55

This is why you just keep putting ideas down. Keep recording, keep writing, keep knocking, keep yelling. I barely remember this musical clip, but when I cracked it open on a cold, February morning with some luke warm tea, it clicked.

It’s mysterious. Dangerous. The backdrop to a sinister plot. What sort of clip would do this justice? The idea of the mysterious folder came to mind. The mouse. The bewildered look (not quite on par with Neo’s “knock knock” scene, but still).

Not sure where it leads, but we’ll find out! Sign up for my ‘TAKE ME TO THE BEEPS’ newsletter for future mystery.


“An underdiscussed aspect of modern capitalism is that most low-wage jobs tightly regulate what you’re doing at all times while you’re on the clock and most high-wage jobs consist of hours of unstructured time in front of the computer during which you can do whatever,” @jfruh

Via @sofiavarano

Daily Loop #54

Each day I put up a Daily Loop I include a bunch of stuff I “liked” on Twitter and Instagram. Great quotes, photos, design, that sort of stuff. Then on Saturday’s I sent out my “Weekly Loop,” which is a nice round up of those items. You can sign up for that here.

Maybe you don’t care as much about the likes, but you’re interested in my music making process – you’re in luck, because now you can subscribe to TAKE ME TO THE BEEPS (subscribe here). Join me in my journey as a third-generation musician trying to get back into making music, with the hopes of releasing official music in 2021.

Both of those are prompts to start your own email lists! Your fans aren’t always going to see your updates on social media (HAH!), and maybe they don’t visit your site everyday. Keep in touch with the people who like your stuff with an email list.


“Ah, yes. time off. when i move the computer from the desk to the couch. luxurious,” @mikerugnetta

“‘Grief is not a problem to be solved. It’s a presence in the psyche awaiting, witnessing.’ Can we all stop pretending now?” @JessColumbo

Video by Steve B from Pexels

Daily Loop #53

It’s Monday. This week freshen up your social media bios. Make sure your links are pointing to good things. Consider setting up a Lnk.bio or Link Tree (I made a list of links here via my WordPress set up) for your Twitter and / or Instagram. Link to stuff that matters, and ask people to click.

Link your shit. Put the link to your thing (your shop, your course, your album) in the first Tweet.

Fuck hashtags. I want to read your words, your thoughts, your ideas. Inspire me, radicalize me, sell me, push me. Hashtags take up space and their only purpose to attract “more,” when in fact there are people in front of you who already signed up.

You got them – now what?


“Never feel bad for not being “productive” when you read about 500,000 people dying. Soul anguish is what happens when grieving rituals are replaced by normalcy rituals. Don’t “power through” the heart of your humanity,” @FaithfullyBP

“It seems obvious, but the solution for a family suffering poverty is to get them money. Not a tax credit, not a program, not something they need to qualify for or jump through hoops to access, just give them money,” Steve Albini

Via @draplin
Via @super___freak