Daily Loop #55

This is why you just keep putting ideas down. Keep recording, keep writing, keep knocking, keep yelling. I barely remember this musical clip, but when I cracked it open on a cold, February morning with some luke warm tea, it clicked.

It’s mysterious. Dangerous. The backdrop to a sinister plot. What sort of clip would do this justice? The idea of the mysterious folder came to mind. The mouse. The bewildered look (not quite on par with Neo’s “knock knock” scene, but still).

Not sure where it leads, but we’ll find out! Sign up for my ‘TAKE ME TO THE BEEPS’ newsletter for future mystery.


“An underdiscussed aspect of modern capitalism is that most low-wage jobs tightly regulate what you’re doing at all times while you’re on the clock and most high-wage jobs consist of hours of unstructured time in front of the computer during which you can do whatever,” @jfruh

Via @sofiavarano