Daily Loop #54

Each day I put up a Daily Loop I include a bunch of stuff I “liked” on Twitter and Instagram. Great quotes, photos, design, that sort of stuff. Then on Saturday’s I sent out my “Weekly Loop,” which is a nice round up of those items. You can sign up for that here.

Maybe you don’t care as much about the likes, but you’re interested in my music making process – you’re in luck, because now you can subscribe to TAKE ME TO THE BEEPS (subscribe here). Join me in my journey as a third-generation musician trying to get back into making music, with the hopes of releasing official music in 2021.

Both of those are prompts to start your own email lists! Your fans aren’t always going to see your updates on social media (HAH!), and maybe they don’t visit your site everyday. Keep in touch with the people who like your stuff with an email list.


“Ah, yes. time off. when i move the computer from the desk to the couch. luxurious,” @mikerugnetta

“‘Grief is not a problem to be solved. It’s a presence in the psyche awaiting, witnessing.’ Can we all stop pretending now?” @JessColumbo

Video by Steve B from Pexels