Daily Loop #58

For 58 days this has been an excercise in opening up a program to nothing but a blank template. This how I usually work best, because I know the magic isn’t in the building, or the writing, or the creating, it’s in the editing. Now, after making 100+ of these over the past few years (going back to 2008 or so) – these snippets, these loops – I know the real work comes after the idea is laid down. After something is written, painted, photographed – then the work begins.

Because at every step each note feels off, every track could have a little more reverb, it’s all rubbish compared to the 13 music streaming apps filled with music already created by people far more talented than me.

If that’s the case, why get up? Why get out of bed? Why go to work? It’s all a capitalistic march, make money, pay bills, and after so many decades die peacefully with friends at your side.

Fuck it. This in-between time is short, so this sort of nonsense will keep happening.

Video by Pressmaster from Pexels