Some website housekeeping;

In the last week or so I’ve finally got the site for Social Media Escape Club up and running. It was actually my Close Mondays site, and I switched the domain name to socialmediaescape.club with my buddy who runs I Heart Blank – heartily recommend him for all your WordPress hosting needs.

Found Senja last Thursday via this post from Brand Burnout. I set it up before my weekly Escape Pod Zoom call to collect testimonials, and included the link in the follow up email that Luma sends out after a call. I got two testimonials from that one call, including this one, which I think is a definite win.

I also started uploading all my Social Media Escape Club videos to YouTube, just in case Substack goes sideway. I’ll be posting all interviews there, and video drops like this:

BTW – I love the format of this video: https://frontofficeco.substack.com/p/opening-a-menswear-store-by-myself

I wish I could embed it here, but it’s only on Substack – womp womp!