In an effort to completely remove myself from social media, I am moving my WORK HISTORY from LinkedIn to my site, which is a platform I own and control. This will help me tell more of the story of my work experience. I hope it’s helpful. Enjoy.

Soon after my stint with AOL Music, I joined the “Content Optimization” team. Around 2006 is when AOL decided to move away from their “walled garden” system, and get out there on the open web.

The problem was no one on the open web – the bloggers – really knew about the CONTENT we were making.

I remember we had a sports vertical called Yardbarker, and they made features about NFL teams. My job was to reach out to bloggers and get them to link back to us. For real, I’d spend all day digging around for NY Giants blogs, and get them to link back to our photo gallery of some Giants feature.

 We also added stuff to Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, and Netscape (which was a user-generated news site at one time), all so people could find our AOL content.

I remember I helped increase the Technorati ranking of the Fanhouse Sports blog from 50,000 to 3,473, and now here we are 18 years later social media absolutely destroyed blogs and Technorati. I was on this team through the rest of 2006 I think, and I think I was making about $20/hr or so as a freelancer.