In an effort to completely remove myself from social media, I am moving my WORK HISTORY from LinkedIn to my site, which is a platform I own and control. This will help me tell more of the story of my work experience. I hope it’s helpful. Enjoy.

I found this job on Craigslist in late 2006, and worked here all of 2007. It was $35/hr contract work – the most I had ever made at the time.

I took copy from the magazine’s Quark / InDesign files and repurposed them as web content. Lots of fishing poles, guns, and models. Yeah.

I hand-coded a bunch of online features like polls, quizzes, and weekly newsletters. No HTML editor, just straight up text editor. Times were simpler back then!

I edited some video with Final Cut Pro, and a few of those videos got uploaded to YouTube – those were the early days of the service.

I built and maintained several TypePad blogs, one of which appeared on The Colbert Report because one of the authors pissed off a bunch of people, and it created a bit 2nd amendment debate. The blog post was removed, then re-posted, I think. Details are fuzzy, but it I sure do remember perking up when Stephen Colbert flashed the magazine cover on the screen.