Weekly Recap for March 18th

Another week of trying to capture the “likes” and “watch history” from my social channels and put ’em in a place where I can actually see them five months from now.

ListeningThe Unsubscribe Podcast, with great ideas and thoughts on work / wife balance, toxic masculinity, relationships, and so much more. Doing my best to find and share more podcasts that aren’t just two dudes talking.

Watching: ‘5 things to start making electronic music at home‘ by bad snacks, which I thought was pretty neato since I’m still trying to learn music making with my computer.

Thinking: From a protected Twitter account, so no link, but this: “Kind of great when you’re wondering, ‘How would they react to me putting my pronouns in my signature or asking if I can at this government job?’ only to discover you won’t even need to ask because your office manager includes theirs.” 

Audience of One

Your “audience” starts with you. Make the thing you wanna see first. In my latest episode of LATER, I talk about how your creative endeavors need to satisfy that audience of one; YOU. No clicks, or likes, or whatever. But you have to be stoked when doing it.

I did Skull Toaster for seven years and quit it because it wasn’t serving the audience of one anymore. Never-mind that it built up a $200/mo Patreon / Memberful support network, or that 30+ people a day replied to metal trivia, and a solid nightly email newsletter that I produced and sent every night.

Wasn’t enough. The audience of one – me – wasn’t loving it anymore. Shut it down.

But also, life and work and relationships and all that – guess what? You’re still the audience, and last I checked you get to walk out of bad movies.

That doesn’t mean you just tell your boss off, or leave your family, or burn down the farm. No, it was tiny decisions made over decades that landed us where we are. Now it takes a series of tiny decisions over the next decade or two to course correct.

It’s not black and white. It doesn’t go from misery to utopia in a day.

Seek to entertain that audience of one in all that you do.

Weekly Recap for March 11th

ListeningVenom Prison’s new album, ‘Samsara.’ [Bandcamp]

Watching: This ‘Let’s Talk About ABLEISM ft. IMANI BARBARIN’ from the Mars & Blair Show [YouTube]

Thinking: “Stop trying to figure yourself out. You’re not a problem that needs to be solved. You might go through you’re whole life never fully understanding it and guess what? That’s ok. You’re ok.” [BunnyMichael, on Twitter]

These links and more go out every weekend to my email list, so if you like this, consider signing up.

Listen to Vanessa Kingori on the Unsubscribe Podcast

Came across this podcast from the @podcastdotco Twitter feed, a fantastic interview with Vanessa Kingori, the publishing director of British Vogue, “the first black female to ever be in this role.”

Great ideas and thoughts on work / wife balance, toxic masculinity, relationships, and so much more. Excellent production and tone throughout! It’s just the first episode, but I’m subscribed to Unsubscribe.