Just about two months out from the Pride 5K, founded by total bad ass Nikki Hiltz.

Posting this here because not everyone is on Instagram, and so maybe they wouldn’t see this otherwise.

Register here, knowing that you’re helping support the mission of  Point of Pride.

Point of Pride is a nonprofit organization that provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care. Their mission is to provide access to gender-affirming resources such as chest binders, breast forms, and other essential items to those who may not have the means to acquire them. Besides simply donating money to Point of Pride, our goal is to make sure that every transgender person knows that there is an entire community of runners who love and support them and believe they belong everywhere they decide to be.

And if you don’t think you can run 3.1 miles, I bet you can walk it, and that counts, especially when the money is going to such a good cause.