It’s a good thing we have “generative AI” now, so we can stop paying such high prices to those greedy designers, artists, photographers, and other creative folks who want things like a “living wage,” or “health insurance.”

Stock art is one thing, but now we’re gonna have computers help make it, too, so even more stock art can be out there in the world, thanks to Adobe, which tries to sell it as “Amplifying human creativity.”

Absolute trash. A race to the bottom and no one wins.

We had a vibrant, thriving blogosphere. Then came the greedy corporate bastards who bought everything up, drove down costs by paying writers shit, and quality suffered.

Now, years later, the common wisdom is “blogs are dead,” all without realizing that it was the tech-industry shit lords who turned blogs into “micro blogs” to funnel traffic to their bloated, ad soaked, tracker stuffed shit sites.

So for the past 10+ years we’ve been pouring our “content” like photos and writing and jokes and witty banter into these social media platforms, and once we stepped off the noisy train we realized the blog world is a wasteland. It’ll take years to get back to anything we used to have.

I’m done putting these rants on the very platforms I wish to destroy. Why should a single bit of my 20+ years of experience and wisdom make their distraction shines a penny more?

Oh, but more people will see it on socials!

Bull shit.

The open web is far grander and wider than a crap social media platform. Everyone needs an email address to sign up for a social media account, and every single smart phone comes with an email app already installed.

I’m done, so done with this social media nonsense.

And now we’re gonna fill with with “generative” art? And stories? And posts? And music?

We deserve the bland, monochrome future we’re getting.