We all have the ability to post something on social media, and every post has the ability to change your life.
You can literally write something whimsical and get 100K likes.
Your text can be on TV a few hours later.
A screen shot of your words could be on the late night shows.
It’s alluring. It pulls us in. Even a reply to someone else’s post can make you famous.
Or you can sit down and write. Maybe it’s a 500 word blog post. An essay. A book.
You can write a song. And then another.
Paint a picture. Take a photograph. Or a dozen.
It’s easier to post on Instagram, with a giant 300 word caption with no line breaks.
It’s a bit harder to pull back. It’s a challenge to just use one photo, and write “if you want to know more about how I did this / made this / wrote this, head to my website.”
Yeah. Algorithims sucks. I get it.
But you’re training people to remember that domain name. Start doing that today!
Maybe you notice that artist isn’t posting so much on Instagram anymore, so you check out their site, and see they’ve been posting something everyday for the last two months.
That’s not quick. That’s a grind.
There’s no LIKES on my site. No “shares.” No immediate feedback.
That’s okay. How much is a like worth, anyways? They’re on your site. That’s gold.
Slow down. Build up your site. Pretend it’s a monthly magazine, and you’ve got the cover story, week after week. Write your story, tell your story, share your story, bring others along for the ride.