I answered this question on Substack Notes, but putting it here too because someday Substack as a Platform won’t exist.

Q. Honest question — how do you treat building an audience without a social presence? I mean you could be active here on Substack (which is also an evolving social network). Still, I’m curious about your view on distribution channels, specifically for relevant people who might be interested in your content. From Itay Dreyfus.

A. The people who’ve already signed up deserve my best writing, my best “output.” And if almost 900 subscribers of Social Media Escape Club (woah) aren’t sharing my work on their networks, then I need to get better.

Growing up in music, we learned about bands because friends saw those bands and told everyone. Those bands were THAT good.

So I started making videos JUST for my subscribers (free + paid). I started doing Zoom hangouts with subscribers. Getting to know my readers more and more has helped me write better posts and continue to grow just from people sharing my work.

And I spent a lot of time trying to network on social media channels – I had over 2500 followers on Twitter, 600-ish on Instagram. I made videos, designed cool things, all that… but that was time spent seeking MORE eyeballs, time I coulda have been spending on the people who’ve already subscribed and said, “Yes, I want more of this.”

I deleted my Twitter account last summer, Instagram on January 1 of this year, and LinkedIn will be next.

Because today? This newsletter is where I’m at. This is where I’m showing up. If you don’t wanna click over here, that’s okay.