Daily Loop #45

Today I walked downstairs to make coffee and realized I have a full morning to myself to make music. Not that it was just an option, but it popped in there, on its own, which is new. Maybe doing these 45 days in a row has knocked something loose, in a good way.


“I love spending hours itemizing expenses and depreciating assets for self-employment taxes, only to find that it adds up to literally 6 dollars under the standard deduction,” @mollyfmielke (one of the many reasons I just bit the bullet and signed up for Bench [referral link])

“The most American thing I can think of is that 57 people voted to convict and 43 voted to acquit, and the 43 people won,” @what_eats_owls (in response to the acquittal of former President Donald Trump)

Via @AustinTByrd

Video by cottonbro from Pexels