I never spent much time on SoundCloud, but then I read this interview with Tracy P. Chan, SVP of Creators at SoundCloud, from Mia’s Queue on Substack.

“We have an algorithmic discovery playlist called ‘Daily Drops.’ Every day we drop what’s new to you. SoundCloud’s catalog is about 320 million tracks. We have three times the number of tracks that the other DSPs [Digital Service Providers] have. You’ll find all this content that just doesn’t exist anywhere else.”

That’s how I found this live recording from Spring Rolls from Paris, France, and I love it so much. Perfectly minimal and soothing. I listened to it on a recent evening run.

Then I found his work on Bandcamp, a new release titled ‘Le Commencement [SPRNGRLLS001].’

I don’t know… I’ve been listening to BANDS since the mid 80s man. I still love them, of course. But I’ve also been loving electronic music, too. I don’t know… just something that sort of blends into the background and isn’t… guitars, you know?