Had a fun talk the other day with my “Social Media Escape Club,” where we hopped on a Zoom call and talked about… getting away from social media.

One of the things I mentioned was instead of Tweeting out some random thought, or in the case of the image above, my “favorite 3 album run by your favorite band,” why not text a friend? Send a photo. Call a pal. Write them an email.

Someone on the Zoom call said something along the lines of, “why should I give my best material to Twitter?”

Why put so much into a platform that limits my reach anyways, when I can message my friends directly and I don’t know… grow closer?!?!

So in the spirit of putting my best material on a platform that I control, you see my “favorite 3 album run by your favorite band,” which are Helmet‘s ‘Meantime,’ ‘Betty,’ and ‘Aftertaste.’

I remember driving around town in my Nissan Sentra Wagon XE trying to play air-drums to the Meantime album.

Betty wasn’t nearly as crushing. Had lots more melody and dynamics, but having come out my senior year of high school there’s no way I can listen to this album without thinking about my younger days.

‘Aftertaste’ came out in 1997, three years after graduation, and so did Limp Bizkit’s ‘Three Dollar Bill Y’all’ and Deftones ‘Around the Fur.’ Oh, the 90s were a magical time for heavy music.