Creating But Not Showing

Still plugging away at these, going down wherever roads the sounds take me.

Feeling creatively spent, at least in any sense of trying to do something daily at this point. I learned a lot over 70+ days of making and posting them, so that’s enough for me. I’m still making, still writing, just not on any sort of schedule. During these times of COVID (god dammit, over a year of this shit), I don’t need anything more in life to bring on more guilt.

If anything, the daily posting felt like “the hustle.” If you post consistent, the social media gods will shine on thee. If you post everyday, more people will see it. More people will know what you do. More people, more eyes, more, more, more.

Yeah, fuck all that.

If anything I’m finding more solace in not sharing everyday and working behind the scenes on shit that may (or may not) be released someday. Whatever.

Yeah, I’m tired.

Video by Alan Quirván from Pexels