Keep Moving

Objects in motion stay in motion:

The point here is just to do something, to get your body used to moving. I always say I want to “make movement a movement,” so that we can get people thinking about a workout as some simple body movement, not as blasting your pecs into oblivion.

Joe Holder

No one can give you fitness, or fulfillment. These things you have to take. You have to want them, and so you build them for yourself, one day at a time.

Arriving at fitness, or fulfillment, doesn’t happen. As I used to believe it was a goal, the goal is always moving. Run a 10 minute mile, then I want to run 9:45, 9:30, and so on.

Make a living? Well, I wanna make more of a living. Make more money. It’s never enough.

So placing my idea of fulfillment in a goal doesn’t work for me. Which is where movement takes hold.

Keep moving, keep breathing, keep striving, keep looking ahead.